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Need Help With Writing Code For Calculator


Hardware: ATmega128 Using ET-AVR START KIT V1 Software: C Project Using AVR4.19

I need help with writing code for a simple calculator that takes 2 single digit number (0-9) as input and calculates an answer based on operational function (+, -,).

When SW1 is pushed, it selects the value from 0-9 as input A and displays on LED connected to port A
When SW2 is pushed, it selects the value from 0-9 as input B and displays on LED connected to port B
When SW3 is pushed, it selects the operational function
When SW3 is pushed, it calculates the answer and displays on LED connected to port D&E as 2 digit.

Below code is to check the wiring on AVR starter kit and does not include the calculation function.



#define F_CPU 16E6

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

void initialise();
float input (float counter_A);
void display_A(float counter_A);
void display_output_G(float counter_A);

* Assumptions:
* - 7 segment LEDs connected to PORTA, PORTB, PORTD, & PORTE
* - In Theory, all pins should have current-limiting resistors
* - One resistor at common pin of 7 segment LED will suffice
* - F_CPU is defined to be your cpu speed

// Common Anode
#define F0 0x81                  //0b10000001
#define F1 0xF3                  //0b11110011
#define F2 0x49                  //0b01001001
#define F3 0x61                  //0b01100001
#define F4 0x33                  //0b00110011
#define F5 0x25                  //0b00100101
#define F6 0x05                  //0b00000101
#define F7 0xF1                  //0b11110001
#define F8 0x01                  //0b00000001
#define F9 0x21                  //0b00100001
#define F10 0x7F                 //0b01111111   '-'

#define D 1000     // ms
#define ON 0
#define OFF 1

int main()
     // setting input / output PORTs
	 DDRA = 0xFF;              //output
	 DDRB = 0xFF;              //output
	 DDRD = 0xFF;              //output
	 DDRE = 0xFF;              //output
	 DDRG = 0x18;              //output  (PG4, PG3), input (PG2, PG1, PG0) - 

	 float counter_A = 0;

	 while (1)
	   counter_A = input(counter_A);

	   display_A(counter_A);                    // 7 segment LED

	   display_output_G(counter_A);             // on-board Red LEDs
	   return 0;


void initialise ()
	     PORTG |= (_BV(3) | _BV(4));           // bit values high - Both Red LEDs off

		   for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
		     if (i == 0)
			      PORTA = 0xFF;                // display '8.'
			      _delay_ms(200);              // time delay

			      PORTA = 0x00;                // black-out
			  else if (i == 1)
			      PORTB = 0XFF;                // dispaly '8.'
			      _delay_ms (200);             // time delay
			      PORTB = 0x00;
			   else if (i == 2)
			      PORTD = 0xFF;                // dispaly '8.'
			      _delay_ms(200);              // time delay

			      PORTD = 0x00;
			  else if (i == 3)
			      PORTE = 0XFF;                // dispaly '8.'
			      _delay_ms (200);             // time delay
			      PORTE = 0x00;
			  else if (i == 4)
			      PORTG &= ~_BV(3);            // bit value 0
				  _delay_ms(200);              // time delay
				  PORTG |= _BV(3);
			     PORTG &= ~_BV(4);             // bit value 0
				 _delay_ms(200);               // time delay
				 PORTG |= _BV(4);

 float input (float counter_A)
      int push_button1 = OFF;                  // initialise bit value to 1
      int push_button2 = OFF;

      push_button1 = PING & _BV(PG0);           // Assign PG0 to pushbuton 1
      push_button2 = PING & _BV(PG1);           // Assign PG0 to pushbuton 2

      _delay_ms(3*D/10);                       // 300ms delay

      if (push_button1 == ON)                  // bit value is 0
	      if (counter_A == 3)                  // counter to max value
		      counter_A = 0;                   // change counter value to 0
		      counter_A++;                     // increment

	   if (push_button2 == ON)                 // bit value is 0
	      if (counter_A == 0)                  // counter to max value
		      counter_A = 3;                   // change counter value to 3
		      counter_A--;                     // decrement
	   return counter_A;

  void display_A(float counter_A)
          int push_button3 = OFF;
		  push_button3 = PING & _BV(PG2);

		  if (push_button3 == ON)
		     if (counter_A == 0)
			    PORTA = F0;                    // dispaly '0'
			else if (counter_A == 1)
			    PORTA = F1;                    // dispaly '1'
			else if (counter_A == 2)
			    PORTA = F2;                    // dispaly '2'
			    PORTA = F3;                    // dispaly '3'
			_delay_ms(3*D);                    // dispaly for 3 seconds
		       PORTA = F10;                    // 7-segment (-) symbol
		  PORTB = F0;                         // display '-'
		  PORTD = F1;                         // display '-'
		  PORTE = F2;                         // display '-'

	void display_output_G(float counter_A)
	      if (counter_A == 0)
		      PORTG |= (_BV(3) | _BV(4));	   // bit values 1 - Both Red LEDs off
	      else if (counter_A == 1)
		      PORTG |= _BV(3);                 // bit value 1 - Red LEDs off
			  PORTG &= ~_BV(4);                // bit value 0 - Red LEDs on
		  else if (counter_A == 2)
		      PORTG &= ~_BV(3);                // bit value 0 - Red LEDs on
			  PORTG |= _BV(4);                 // bit value 1 - Red LEDs off
		      PORTG &= ~(_BV(3) | _BV(4));     // bit values 0 - Both Red LEDs off


R Tim Chondro
2022-05-14 04:17:03
I believe that you are trying to do a simple calculator - The program below is similar to yours and will work fine -you need to go through it slowly .... Enjoy !

#define F_CPU 16E6

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

void initialise();
float LED1(float counter_A);       // first number
float LED2(float counter_B);       // second number
int operator(float counter_C);     //operator

void display_A(float counter_A);
void display_B(float counter_B);
void display_C(float counter_C);     
float calculations(float counter_A, float counter_B, float counter_C);

int output_left(int ans);     //left LED output       
int output_right(int ans);   //right LED output
void display_left(int dleft);
void display_right(int dright);
 * Assumptions:
 * 	- 7 segment LED connected to PORTA
 * 	- In theory, all pins should have current-limiting resistors
 * 	- F_CPU is defined to be your cpu clock speed

// Define LED Display common Anode
#define F0 0x18             // 0
#define F1 0xDE             // 1
#define F2 0x34		// 2
#define F3 0x94		// 3
#define F4 0xD2		// 4
#define F5 0x91		// 5
#define F6 0x11		// 6
#define F7 0xDC	       // 7
#define F8 0x10		// 8
#define F9 0x90		// 9
#define F10 0xFF	       // All off
#define F11 0x00	       // All on
#define F12 0x31      	// E
#define F13 0x77     	// r

#define D 1000 		// ms
#define ON 0
#define OFF 1

int main ()
	// setting  input / output PORTs

	DDRA = 0xFF;			// output 0b00000000 
	DDRB = 0xFF;			// output 0b00000000
	DDRD = 0xFF;			// output 0b00000000
	DDRE = 0xFF;			// output 0b00000000
	DDRG = 0x18;			// output (PG4, PG3), input (PG2,PG1,PG0) - 0b11000 equivalent to 0,only G & DP = 11 

	float counter_A = 0;
	float counter_B = 0;
	float counter_C = 0;
	float ans = 0;
       int first_num = 0;
       int second_num = 0;

	while (1) 
		counter_A = LED1(counter_A);
//		counter_B = LED2(counter_B);
//		counter_C = operator(counter_C);

		display_A(counter_A);			// 7-segment LED
/*		display_B(counter_B);                    // 7-segment LED   
		ans = calculations(counter_A, counter_B, counter_C);   //on- board red LEDs
        first_num = output_left(ans);
        second_num = output_right(ans);
	return 0;

void initialise()
	PORTG |= (_BV(3) | _BV(4));  	// bit values high - Both Red LEDs off

	for (int j = 1; j <= 5; j++)
		for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
			if ((i%2) == 0)
				PORTA = 0xFF;
				PORTB = 0xFF;
				PORTD = 0xFF;
				PORTE = 0xFF;			
				_delay_ms(200);			// time delay
				PORTA = 0x00;
				PORTB = 0x00;
				PORTD = 0x00;
				PORTE = 0x00;			
				_delay_ms(200);			// time delay

float LED1(float counter_A)
	int push_button1 = OFF;	       // initialise bit value to 1
	push_button1 = PING & _BV(PG0); 	// Assign PG0 to pushbutton 1
    _delay_ms(3*D/10);					// 300ms delay

	if (push_button1 == ON)           	// bit value is 0
		if (counter_A == 9)				// counter at max value
			counter_A = 0;		 // change counter value to zero
			counter_A++;				// increment
        return counter_A;

	float LED2(float counter_B)
	int push_button2 = OFF;                     // initialize bit value to 2
	push_button2 = PING & _BV(PG1); 			// Assign PG1 to pushbutton 2
	_delay_ms(3*D/10);					// 300ms delay

	if (push_button2 == ON)           			// bit value is 0
		if (counter_B == 9)				// counter at max value
			counter_B = 0;			// change counter value to zero
			counter_B++;				// increment
	return counter_B;

int operator(float counter_C)
        int push_button3 = OFF;	            	// initialise bit value to 3
        push_button3 = PING & _BV(PG2); 		// Assign PG0 to pushbutton 3
        _delay_ms(3*D/10);				    	// 300ms delay

	if (push_button3 == ON)           	// bit value is 0
		if (counter_C == 3)				// counter at max value
			counter_C = 0;				// change counter value to zero
			counter_C++;				// increment
        return counter_C;

// **********************************************
void display_A(float counter_A)
	if (counter_A == 0)				
		PORTA = F0;				// display '0'
	else if (counter_A == 1)
		PORTA = F1;				// display '1'
	else if (counter_A == 2)
		PORTA = F2;				// display '2'
	else if (counter_A == 3)
		PORTA = F3;				// display '3'
	else if (counter_A == 4)
		PORTA = F4;				// display '4'
	else if (counter_A == 5)
		PORTA = F5;				// display '5'
	else if (counter_A == 6)
		PORTA = F6;				// display '6'
	else if (counter_A == 7)
		PORTA = F7;				// display '7'
	else if (counter_A == 8)
		PORTA = F8;				// display '8'
		PORTA = F9;				// display '9'

void display_B(float counter_B)
       int push_button2 = OFF;
	push_button2 = PING & _BV(PG1);                    	 

	if (push_button2 == ON)
		if (counter_B == 0)				
			PORTD = F0;				// display '0'
		else if (counter_B == 1)
			PORTD = F1;				// display '1'
		else if (counter_B == 2)
			PORTD = F2;				// display '2'
		else if (counter_B == 3)
			PORTD = F3;				// display '3'
		else if (counter_B == 4)
			PORTD = F4;				// display '4'
		else if (counter_B == 5)
			PORTD = F5;				// display '5'
		else if (counter_B == 6)
			PORTD = F6;				// display '6'
		else if (counter_B == 7)
			PORTD = F7;				// display '7'
		else if (counter_B == 8)
			PORTD = F8;				// display '8'
			PORTD = F9;				// display '9'
		_delay_ms(3*D);					// display for 3 seconds


void display_C(float counter_C)
	if (counter_C == 0)				
        PORTG |= (_BV(3) | _BV(4));		// bit values 1 - Both Red LEDs off
	else if (counter_C == 1)
		PORTG |= _BV(3);				// bit value 1 - Red LED off
		PORTG &= ~_BV(4);				// bit value 0 - Red LED on
	else if (counter_C == 2)
		PORTG &= ~_BV(3);				// bit value 0 - Red LED on
		PORTG |= _BV(4);				// bit value 1 - Red LED off
		PORTG &= ~(_BV(3) | _BV(4)); 		// bit value 0 - Both Red LEDs on

float calculations(float counter_A, float counter_B, float counter_C)
	float ans = 0;

	if (counter_C == 0)    		             //addition	
	    ans = counter_A + counter_B;	
		PORTG |= (_BV(3) | _BV(4));			// bit values 1 - Both Red LEDs off
	else if (counter_C == 1)                //subtraction
	    ans = counter_A - counter_B;
		PORTG |= _BV(3);				    // bit value 1 - Red LED off
		PORTG &= ~_BV(4);				    // bit value 0 - Red LED on
	else if (counter_C == 2)                //multiplication
	    ans = counter_A * counter_B;
		PORTG &= ~_BV(3);				    // bit value 0 - Red LED on
		PORTG |= _BV(4);				    // bit value 1 - Red LED off
	else					               //division
	    ans = counter_A / counter_B;
		PORTG &= ~(_BV(3) | _BV(4));		// bit value 0 - Both Red LEDs on

    return ans; 

int output_left(int ans)
float identifier = 0;
float decimal;
int rem = 0;
int left = 0;
if (ans > 9)
identifier = ans / 10;
rem = ans % 10;
decimal = rem * 0.1;
left = identifier - decimal;
left = ans;
return left;


int output_right(int ans)
float identifier = 0;
float decimal;
int rem = 0;
int right = 0;
if (ans > 9)
identifier = ans / 10;
rem = ans % 10;
decimal = rem * 0.1;
right = rem;
return right;

void display_left(int dleft)
              if (dleft == 0)				
			PORTB = F0;				// display '0'
		else if (dleft == 1)
			PORTB = F1;				// display '1'
		else if (dleft == 2)
			PORTB = F2;				// display '2'
		else if (dleft == 3)
			PORTB = F3;				// display '3'
		else if (dleft == 4)
			PORTB = F4;				// display '4'
		else if (dleft == 5)
			PORTB = F5;				// display '5'
		else if (dleft == 6)
			PORTB = F6;				// display '6'
		else if (dleft == 7)
			PORTB = F7;				// display '7'
		else if (dleft == 8)
			PORTB = F8;				// display '8'
			PORTB = F9;				// display '9'
		_delay_ms(10*D);					// display for 10 seconds

void display_right(int dright)
              if (dright == 0)				
			PORTE = F0;				// display '0'
		else if (dright == 1)
			PORTE = F1;				// display '1'
		else if (dright == 2)
			PORTE = F2;				// display '2'
		else if (dright == 3)
			PORTE = F3;				// display '3'
		else if (dright == 4)
			PORTE = F4;				// display '4'
		else if (dright == 5)
			PORTE = F5;				// display '5'
		else if (dright == 6)
			PORTE = F6;				// display '6'
		else if (dright == 7)
			PORTE = F7;				// display '7'
		else if (dright == 8)
			PORTE = F8;				// display '8'
			PORTE = F9;				// display '9'
		_delay_ms(10*D);					// display for 10 seconds

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